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BETTA FISH MYTHS | LIES And Misconceptions You've Been Told About Bettas
10 Betta Fish MYTHS You SHOULD Know!
Debunking the Biggest BETTA FISH Myths
Bursting 25 Betta Fish Myths in 12 Mins!
YES, YOUR BETTA FISH NEEDS A FILTER! + Debunking Betta Fish Care Myths
Talking about Betta Fish misconceptions.
Keeping Siamese Fighting fish: Betta myths
Betta fish myths or truth. 5 interesting facts about betta fish. betta fish care true or false
10 Myths About Bettas
Debunking Betta Mating Myths (You thought you knew.) | The Ultimate Betta Fish Care
5 Things You've Heard about Betta Fish That AREN'T True